Ways to Deal With Seasonal Allergies

Once the pollen season springs up, it’s over for all sensitive allergy sufferers. During this period, a majority of their day goes into treating their allergic reactions, trying to control them and prevent them from even happening. 

These seasonal allergies most often impact the eyes, nose, mouth, and sinus in a majority of people. An itchy roof of the mouth, runny nose and watery eyes, constant coughing and sneezing, sinus congestion, and pain, all of these are common symptoms of seasonal allergies. PCD pharma franchise brands like Vivaceutical have wide ranges of medications that can help alleviate these symptoms without any side effects. However, these medications must be consumed as directed by the physician. 

Apart from consuming medications, there are a few things you can do to avoid facing these allergic reactions. Here, we’ve listed some tips that’ll help you deal with the situation better. 

Tip 1: Recognize Your Allergy Symptoms

Not everybody has the same allergy nor does their body react in the same manner. There are multiple symptoms that a person may or may not experience while going through an allergic reaction. Therefore, the first step towards dealing with your seasonal allergy is figuring out what has caused the allergy and also the symptoms that you most commonly face. This also includes recognizing the time period (season) when you get struck by these allergic reactions. Figuring out all these will be the basis of your treatment plan later on. 

Tip 2: Reduce Your Exposure to Allergy Triggers

Once you’ve figured out what is the leading cause of your allergic reactions, you can start by distancing yourself from the source. For instance, you can opt to stay indoors on windy days. (Winds carry pollen which will in turn aggravate your allergies). Something as simple as changing your outdoor clothes the minute you enter your house and putting them up for washing can also minimize your exposure to irritants. 

Tip 3: Keep Up With the Forecast 

Check your local news and weather forecast channels or news platforms to learn about the day’s pollen levels. If the pollen levels are increasing and you’ve planned a day out, you should start taking your allergy medication in advance. Also, it’s preferable to wear a mask out in such a condition. If you don’t have any pressuring matters to attend to, prefer staying inside, keep your windows and doors closed at most times. 

Tip 4: Keep Your Indoors Air Clean

This includes everything, from cleaning the floor and tables to keeping the air clean and fresh. You can start by using an air conditioner during summers as opposed to keeping the windows open. Investing in a dehumidifier might also work in your favor as it’ll keep your air clean and dry. On the other hand, something as basic as vacuuming your floors often or cleaning your shoe racks, carpets and changing your bed sheets often can help too. 

Keep Your Indoors Air Clean

Tip 5: Know Your Medications

There are several non-prescriptive medications that can be your saving grace during an allergic reaction. Starting off with the most crucial over the counter medication, antihistamine can help reduce and control your symptoms. These work best when relieving an itchy or runny nose, watery eyes and constant sneezing. Decongestants (both oral and nasal) can also help if you are experiencing congestion or any type of stuffiness in your nasal cavity. You can find some great anti allergens in the form of capsules, powders and sprays as long as you know what you’re looking for. 

Tip 6: Rinse Your Sinuses 

Another way of getting rid of the allergens from your system is by flushing them out of your nose. Nasal rinsing requires a saline solution to be squeezed into your nose and then out. Before you indulge in nasal irrigation, make sure that the water you use is distilled and sterilized along with the irrigation device. 

The tips stated above can help you get through allergy season much more easily. However, if these remedies do not work for you, it is preferable to consult a physician. They will help you evaluate your allergies better, via skin and blood tests and also identify appropriate treatments for the same. In some cases, an allergy shot might work out for you, in others, a tablet or a capsule might do the trick.

Rinse Your Sinuses


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